Retro image of lawyer signing important legal document on black desk. Over black background.

Belofloripa takes care of a number of legal services – such as setting up a branch, trademark registration, or reviewing contracts – to help your internationalisation process run more smoothly.

Drawing up / adapting / checking contracts

Bearing in mind that local legislation in your target market can differ greatly from legislation in your home market, the drawing up, adaptation and/or checking of contracts is an important part of an internationalisation strategy.

It is therefore crucial to be fully informed about the relevant commercial and international aspects of contracts, in order to avoid problems arising further down the line.

Belofloripa specialises in drawing up, adapting and optimising the following sorts of contracts:

  • Instrument of incorporation (In Brazil: “Contrato Social)
  • Purchase & Sale
  • Licensing agreements
  • Technical support & Technology transfer
  • Commercial representation
  • Distribution
  • Joint Venture
  • Mergers & Acquisitions

Service for Belgium, Brazil, Canada, U.S.A.

Trademark registration

When entering into a new market, it is essential to protect your brand. The law surrounding trademark registration differs from country to country, with not all countries following the Madrid System. Under this system, the first user is normally regarded as the owner of the brand. In countries that do not follow this system, such as Brazil, the first person to register a trademark can become the owner of that brand. Whether or not the person/company in question was the first user of the name is, in principle, of no importance to the INPI, the Brazilian Institute for Intellectual Property Rights. Before your products or services are launched in a new market, it is therefore extremely important that your brand is already protected by means of a trademark registration. With a minimal investment, you can optimally protect your brand for a period of up to 10 years.

Service for Belgium, Brazil, Mexico, Thailand, Singapore

Legal analysis

In certain sectors, the success of a company/service/product is strongly dependent on local law. A legal analysis can thus offer a clearer picture of the local guidelines that relate specifically to your products and services. Based on the legal analysis, and on Belofloripa’s additional legal advice, we will explain how the opportunities presented by the new market can be harnessed to the full.

Service for Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Mexico

Establishing a branch

Due to the need for local follow-up, many companies decide to set up a branch in the country in question. In some countries, setting up a company with foreign shareholders is a complex matter. In some countries, not only the new company, but also the foreign shareholders, must be registered locally. Moreover, knowledge of local legislation is important in terms of determining the right company structure, and for drawing up a strong instrument of incorporation. Belofloripa’s consultants would be delighted to assist you throughout this process.

Service for Belgium, Brazil, Mexico, U.S.

Bundling these steps and centralising them with a single specialist partner can save a great deal of time and money.

Would you like further information about the legal requirements pertaining to international trade? Would you also like to find out more about the advice and added value offered by Belofloripa?

Contact one of our consultants