Markant vzw and UNIZO have announced the five provincial winners of the ‘Womed Award Belofte’. Deputy Prime Minister Kris Peeters will award this prestigious award for the most promising female entrepreneur on 4 March in the presence of HM Queen Mathilde. Grace Keli de Aguilar Gomes, Managing Director of Belofloripa, represents the province of West Flanders.
“There was little to debate: the decision was unanimous.” The provincial jury, made up of Markant vzw and UNIZO, found in Grace Keli exactly what the ‘Womed Award Belofte’ was all about. Namely a dynamic, engaged female entrepreneur who delights in sharing her story with other women in an inspiring way, and who possesses a strong vision. Grace Keli was therefore unanimously chosen as West Flanders’ most promising female entrepreneur.